Funny story... I went to the doctor on March 12 for my second appt. and the nurse couldnt find my little baby's heart beat. So of course I was a little freaked out... "My baby doesnt have a heartbeat? Whats going on?" is what I am thinking... So then the nurse says "Well, I think we are just going to have to do an ultrasound." Then I get REALLY excited because that means that I am going to be able to see my little blob again, which is VERY exciting! The Doctor gets everything set up for the ultrasound... and we find out why we couldnt hear the heartbeat... my baby would not stop moving. It was waving its arms and legs and just goin to town! I was very glad to see that was the reason for me not to be able to hear the heartbeat, and I felt like saying "Dont you ever scare mommy like that again!" which im sure there will be many more years of me saying that! So enjoy the pic, and my next doctor appt is April 8, so I will have another blog after that. Talk to ya'll soon!
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